Thursday, March 4, 2010

Dressing up my Blog belongs to Rachel

I just have to say something about my Rachel. She is my middle child. She is the girl in the family. I'm so glad she is in the middle in between her brothers. When I see my three together with her in the middle I think, "What a perfect place for a sister to be - - in the middle!" In the middle she can be a friend to both brothers and in the middle she was always there to remind them that someday they would find someone like her or not like her.

When she was young and running through the kitchen, at times like a tornado the brothers would quip, "I'm not getting married if all girls are like her!" Then she would do something nice and thier hearts would soften and they were instant friends again. For the older brother, she was always cool, because she knew about cars and trucks and would even go to the races with him. To the younger brother, she had this fantastic quick sense of humor which he loved; and she also loved his hilariousness that came out when they were in the car together or at the beach. To this day, she misses Clay's humor, especially when her life gets a little more stressful than she cares for. They all three did concerts together and still today enjoy laughing over funny YouTube videos. Sometimes I don't get thier humor and what they think is funny but I'm the mom and maybe I'm not supposed to. I get joy just watching them all three laugh at the same thing at the same time.

To her dad and I she is the ray of sunshine who has brought us much happiness. She came into our lives 10 months after her older sister passed away and from the day she was born she was always there to comfort and smile at us as we continued to heal after Annie parted from our family temporarily.

Here's to my Rachel who calls me just to say, "I just called to say have a nice day," and then she has a cute story about Ashlynn before she hangs up. Today it was about Ashlynn's fall off the porch on the way to the bus. My day is always better after she calls because I'm reminded that I did something right because I have her.

Here's to my Rachel who fixes up my Blog because I can't figure out how to do it and don't want to. Here's to my Rachel who spends her husband's hard earned money and her free time on those who have less than she does. Here's to my Rachel who always finds a way to get through her own hard days and also finds ways to makes other people's day brighter at the same time.

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