So . . . . I'm terrible at posting on my blog. Why? Because I think every blog, in order to be good, should have pictures. I lost my camera right after moving. I lost my CD's too, right after moving. Lots of good things have happened to me in the past month and a few hard things and I didn't have my camera to record them. Yesterday after coming back from Salt Lake City where I was helping my dad and mom after dad's surgery, I found my camera and my CD's. I had put them in my sewing table on the day of unloading - - so I wouldn't lose them. That's how I do things.
So, I decided to blog about things that I don't have pictures for that I've done in the last month.
1. I streaked my hair! It's really pretty. Take my word for it. I went to the local beauty college (Delta Tech) and a cute cute girl name Ricki who is about to graduate foiled my hair. Just the top. I really like it and the greys no longer show. I am brunette with Gold highlights. It is styled without blowing - - just fingering and I have hair similar to Farah Faucett's.
I'll go again in a month and have her do a little bit more in the back and maybe later go completely streaked. It only cost me $35. She did such a good job I gave her a large tip because you wouldn't believe the hardships this young girl has already seen in her life - - and she is only 19 - - but oh such a talented hair dresser. While she was doing my hair, the entire college stood around and watched her and she taught them as she worked. She graduates in October, then what will I do???? I don't believe in paying $75.00 for coloring your hair. I will never do it. It's a promise I made to myself 25 years ago. Why do women do that every other week. It's such a waste of good resources. I'd rather give that money to someone in need, Like Ricki - - my new hairdresser. If you go to a beauty school, the teacher stands over you and makes sure you look good.
2. I unpacked lots of boxes and hung up some old pictures and some new ones on my wall. My favorite new one is a metal wall hanging I bought at TJ Max in Draper Utah last week. It's a metal wall hanging of a tick-tac-toe game. The X's are black Caligraphy shaped X's as in "KISS" and the "O's"????? They are red hearts and run diagonally down the art piece. The O's or Hearts win! I have a photo of it and will post it another day. It hangs in our whimsy/TV room. Also in there? A sign that says, "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Do you know how loved you are?"
3. I went to Salt Lake to meet my new doctor and stayed over night at my parents home with Dean. We both have the same new doc. Dad came home from the rehab center (after 3 weeks) the next morning and oh my!!!! He was so weak and mom was a little shakey and scared and so Dean said, "Katie, I think you'd better stay and help! I'll come and get you in 3 or 4 days." I stayed for 3 or 4 days and another 8 after that. What a pleasure it was to serve my parents. We were all exhausted because it was a 24 hour job at first. I literally became dad's nurse and nurse's aide and physical and occupational therapist. Mom's back went out (due to stress) and she was pretty nervous with this new life they have with his new legs. Lots of therapists coming and going from the house. I slept in between the bedrooms where my mom and dad slept. Dad had to be in a bed by himself because it was higher and he could get in and out easier (though it was still DIFF-I-CULT) with his double knee replacements and multiple-sclerosis. The fun parts? Helping dad with his "ADL's" and watching "Golden Girls" with mom every night until after midnight - - - and eating snacks in bed and laughing. The entire time I was there I was walking on a cane. What an experience we all had.
4. Dean and I bought our first load of groceries in Lehi Utah and brought them home on Labor Day evening and loaded our new frig and kitchen. We had spent Labor Day with our Son Eric and his family. We helped them build part of his chain link fence and then we barbequed. We also bought a new kitchen table at IKEA on the way home to Delta and put that together last night. Our little home is so cute! I can't believe we've been in Utah since August 9 and just bought our first Groceries. That's how busy we've been. We cooked our first meal last night on our antique 1950's stove and in my new Jenn-Aire Microwave.
5. My bed is too tall. I can't get on it and in the middle of the night I fall off of it. Dean swears it is the same as it was in Pensacola. If that is true. I have shrunk. Can knee surgery make you shrink? He's going to look at it tonight to make sure there isn't an extra higher notch that he put the bed up on. I was able to get on it fine in Pensacola but now I can't. If my knees were good, I'd get a running jump and leap up on it. Those days are gone forever.
6. I bought a CD storage book. I had a whole bunch of little CD cases that hold 25 CD's. I put them all in one CD book (after I found the CD's). I've ordered them into categories, Sacred, Pop, Country, Instrumental, and Christmas. The book is completely filled and I have 3 CD's that are lonely sitting on my dresser waiting for me to decide what to do with them.
7. I live across a huge lawn from my in-laws. They are so sweet. They bring their left-overs over every night. Last night it was watermelon and macaroni salad. His mom comes over probably 5 - 8 times a day to check on me. I think she is VERY excited that someone lives in the house she had her six children in (this house is 900 sq. feet). I know! She is/was and will always be quite a woman. Because I'm still decorating and unpacking she comes often and everytime she comes in her eyes light up. I know she is enjoying seeing this old dilapitated house come to life again with bright and moder colors on the walls and new furnishings. She's living in the past all over again. She is 90. She is 90. She is 90 and can walk faster than I can, even when I use my cane!
8. I had a (BIG shot (injection) in my knee. Why? Becuase it went bad on me. By the time I got here I was barely walking and using crutches full steam. This is the knee that had surgery 9 months ago in Pensacola. I visited the orthopedic surgeon three days after arriving in Utah and he thought a shot of Synvisc would help me. He laid me down on the table. I mentioned to him that I wished I had taken some Zanax that morning. He smiled and said, "Just breath!" He numbed me which was the worst part and then pulled out this huge syringe full of medicine. He stuck in the outside of my knee under the right knee cap and shot all of the med in. It's been 3.5 weeks and I am now walking without a cane most of the time. The shot stimulated the bones in the knee to create their own cushion where my cartilage used to be. Amazing huh? I'm a pretty happy girl. It should last 6 - 8 months and then I can do it again (maybe - unless we find it wears off too soon. The only bad part? He looked at the x-rays and said, "Double knee replacements young lady! And don't wait as long as your dad did!" Sometimes I think genetics is a grande thing but not when it comes to my knees. Genetics in the case of my knees is a curse~!
9. I'm still exhausted. This month in Utah seems like 4 days. That's how fast life has gone. I'm going to take a long nap today - - just because I can.