Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I've Been Reading this Book Again

A few weeks ago I was packing up some of Clay's things and found his spanish copy of "The Book of Mormon, Another Testiment of Christ" which he used on his mission in Guatemala. I sat down and opened it up and started to read from the first page of the book of Nephi. I have read this book in english more than a few times. This time as I was looking at the words in spanish, which I didn't understand, something very significant happened to me. I felt tingly all over and had a warmth in my heart that radiated out through my body. It was an amazing experience. I have had this feeling before when reading the book, but who knew I would also get the feeling while reading it in a different language that I do not understand.

I determined that I would read the book again - in English and have been doing that for the past 6 weeks every morning when I wake up and before I get out of bed. It's so nice! Today I read from the prophet Mormon's record. Mormon carried and compiled this book which had written records of many early prophets who lived in ancient America. When you read this book you can't help but believe that it has truth in it. What a great man Mormon was. I love this book. Someday I hope to be able to meet Mormon and his son Moroni who also has a written record of his travels and experiences included in the book.

When I travel, I travel with this book. I keep it close, just like I do my driver's license and my wallet and my car keys. It is an essential friend and support. If you want to read it, you can find it at any book store. I hope your curiosity will help you find this book and that it will bless you like it has me.

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