Saturday, April 18, 2009

To Blog or . . . . not?

I finally decided to jump in. I'm usually last to try anything that may be a current fad. I'm last to read the latest #1 best seller, last to watch the latest hit TV show, last to try anything that might be considered the latest new fad that may be keeping the earth on it's axis at the current time. Maybe it's because I have spent so many years writing journals that having a new way to journal adds more of less time to my life. So, . . . here I go, jumping in and hoping that I will stick to it. I love looking at other blogs and really look forward to seeing what is going on in your life. If you have a blog, I have been there, been inspired by it and so . . . . here's mine.


  1. I hope you'll stick with it! It's fun!!

  2. I love this first post the best! I want funny stories on here too! Like when you email me things that make me laugh!
